Buses to Saint Mary's Stadium + Discounted travel!

Discounted dayriders for Saints fans on match days image

Great news! We are offering discounted prices on our dayrider fares if you have a ticket to that day's match. Simply buy a match ticket for a home game and travel with us to receive a discount on your dayrider on match days. Just show the driver your football ticket when you board the bus to claim the discount.

The discounted dayrider prices are

  • Southampton Zone: £3.60
  • Southampton Plus Zone: £6.50
  • Southampton Network: £8.60

St Mary's Stadium is accessible from many of our bus routes, please see below for stops, service numbers and walking distances:

Bus Stop Service no. Walk from the stop
Britannia Road

Bluestar 3, 14, 16, 18

5 minutes
Itchen Bridge

Bluestar 7, 1013, 15, 17, 19

10 minutes
RSH Bluestar 20, U6 13 minutes
City Centre Bluestar 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, U1, U2 15-20 minutes

The £2 single fare cap is currently in place and valid across all of these routes. Buying two singles will be your best option unless you are travelling solely within the Southampton Zone or plan on doing several journeys throughout the day.