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  • Bluestar 3,14,16 & 18 DIVERSION-Bitterne Road West Closed towards Bitterne ONLY on Tuesday 21st January 2025 between 20:00-06:00.

    Today 00:00

    Bluestar 3,14,16 & 18 DIVERSION-Bitterne Road West Closed towards Bitterne ONLY on Tuesday 21st January 2025 between 20:00-06:00. Services will be diverted via Bullar Road Gyratory and Chessel Avenue. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14Service 14
Southampton, Vincents Walk [CG] 05:20 05:50 06:15 06:40 07:05 07:35 08:15 08:55 09:25 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:25 12:55 13:25 13:55 14:25 14:55 15:25 16:00 16:35 17:05 17:40 18:15 18:45 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:30
Civic Centre [AN] 05:24 05:54 06:20 06:45 07:10 07:41 08:20 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:31 15:01 15:31 16:06 16:41 17:11 17:46 18:21 18:50 19:35 20:35 21:35 22:35
Northam, Princes Street 05:28 05:58 06:25 06:50 07:16 07:47 08:26 09:05 09:35 10:05 10:35 11:05 11:35 12:05 12:35 13:05 13:35 14:05 14:37 15:07 15:38 16:13 16:48 17:18 17:53 18:26 18:55 19:40 20:40 21:40 22:40
Bitterne Shops [BD] 05:34 06:04 06:32 06:57 07:23 07:55 08:33 09:12 09:42 10:12 10:42 11:12 11:42 12:12 12:42 13:12 13:42 14:12 14:44 15:14 15:47 16:22 16:57 17:27 18:01 18:34 19:02 19:45 20:45 21:45 22:45
Townhill Way, Bramble Mews 05:36 06:06 06:34 06:59 07:25 07:58 08:35 09:15 09:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 13:15 13:45 14:15 14:47 15:17 15:50 16:25 17:00 17:30 18:04 18:37 19:05 19:47 20:47 21:47 22:47
Chartwell Green Shops 05:39 06:09 06:37 07:02 07:30 08:02 08:40 09:19 09:49 10:19 10:49 11:19 11:49 12:19 12:49 13:19 13:49 14:19 14:51 15:21 15:54 16:29 17:04 17:34 18:08 18:41 19:08 19:50 20:50 21:50 22:50
West End, Midlands Estate 05:42 06:12 06:41 07:06 07:35 08:07 08:45 09:23 09:53 10:23 10:53 11:23 11:53 12:23 12:53 13:23 13:53 14:23 14:55 15:25 15:58 16:33 17:08 17:38 18:12 18:45 19:12 19:53 20:53 21:53 22:53
Hedge End Superstores 05:50 06:20 06:50 07:15 07:45 08:18 08:55 09:32 10:02 10:32 11:02 11:32 12:02 12:32 13:02 13:32 14:02 14:32 15:05 15:35 16:08 16:43 17:18 17:48 18:21 18:55 19:19 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Drummond Community Centre 05:53 06:23 06:53 07:19 07:49 08:22 08:59 09:36 10:06 10:36 11:06 11:36 12:06 12:36 13:06 13:36 14:06 14:36 15:09 15:39 16:12 16:47 17:22 17:52 18:25 18:59 19:22 20:04 21:04 22:04 23:04
Hedge End Rail Station 05:56 06:26 06:56 07:27 07:57 08:33 09:10 09:42 10:12 10:42 11:12 11:42 12:12 12:42 13:12 13:42 14:12 14:42 15:15 15:45 16:21 16:56 17:31 18:01 18:31 19:05 19:25 20:09 21:09 22:09 23:09
Bradbeers Retail Park 06:00 06:31 07:01 07:33 08:03 08:39 09:15 09:47 10:17 10:47 11:17 11:47 12:17 12:47 13:17 13:47 14:17 14:47 15:21 15:51 16:27 17:02 17:37 18:07 18:37 19:10 19:29 20:13 21:13 22:13 23:13

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